1996 |
- Republic Act 8304 is signed, making effective the
conversion of the SRNHS to PSHS-CSC.
1998 |
- RA 8619 is signed, amending for the purpose of RA 8304.
- PSHS-CSC opens July 1, 1998, with an initial enrolment of
28 scholars. They were to compose the Class of 2002.
1999 |
- RAs 8496 and 8134 separates SRNHS and PSHS-CSC.
- Enrolment increases to 77 as Class of 2003 is admitted.
- The Sangguniang Bayan of Goa passes Resolution No. 014-99, donating a
five-hectare-lot located at Barangay Tagongtong.
2000 |
- PSHS-CSC transfers to the Partido State College in Goa.
- Enrolment jumps to 219 as Class 2004 is admitted.
- PSHS-Camarines Sur Campus is renamed PSHS Bicol Campus
2001 |
- Phase I construction at site starts.
- PSHS-Bicol Campus is renamed PSHS-Bicol Region Campus
2002 |
- Graduation of first batch of scholars.
- Campus transfers to final site at Tagongtong.
- Completion of Phase I construction.
2003 |
- Start of Phase II construction.
- Graduation of first batch of scholars to have actually
used the permanent site.